December 22, 2024

Design of home ventilator, glideoscope, mold and mask filter making at the University of Isfahan

Design of home ventilator, glideoscope, mold and mask filter making at the University of Isfahan

With the outbreak of the new Corona virus in the country, the University of Isfahan has used its capacity and scientific potential to help health care providers in the country and in an effective action by the university management in the situation.
Dr. Jamshidi, a faculty member of the University of Isfahan, together with a team of colleagues and students of this university, has succeeded in designing and manufacturing a home ventilator, glaidoscope, mold and filter mask making. He added due to the increasing need for a home ventilator or emergency ventilator, a knowledge-based company, authorized by the university, has designed this device in order to meet its internal needs. Based on the Emergency-FDA standard, this device is being produced in two models, oxygen-free and oxygen-free, and have the ability to be used at home or in an ambulance. In the first phase, the company hopes that 2,000 units will be delivered to the centers and emergency departments within the next three months. In the second phase, the home model is produced. One of its features is its reasonable price and the ability to be used simply and at home in the child and adult model.
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